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      A compilation of the significant people in St. Germain's history
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Ahlborn, Evelyn Ahlborn, Gene Ahlborn, Kurt Ahlborn, Tracey Ahlborn, Woody
Andersen, Dorothy Andersen, James Andersen, Rhobie Anderson, Anna Anderson, Cherie
Anderson, Chris Anderson, Donna Anderson, Esther Anderson, Ewald Anderson, Leon
Anderson, Peggy Anderson, Roy Anderson, Walter Anderson, Wendy Armentrout, John
Arnold, John Arnold, Robert      

Evelyn Ahlborn

Residency: Born in Phelps, WI

Evelyn was married to Gene Ahlborn and is the mother of Kurt, Tracey, and Woody Ahlborn. She helped in the organization and management of Ahlborn Equipment, Inc. in Sayner, WI until she retired. She currently lives in Conover, WI.

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Gene Ahlborn

Residency: Early 1940's

Gene Ahlborn

Gene is the founder of Ahlborn Equipment, Inc, in Sayner, WI.  He built this from a small one-man company into a worldwide distributorship of chain saw parts and accessories.  He is the father of Kurt, Tracey, and Woody Ahlborn.

Date deceased: January 23, 2008
Cause of death: Complications of  throat cancer
Interment: Plum Lake Cemetery

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Kurt Ahlborn

Residency: Born in Sayner, WI

Kurt is a son of Gene and Evelyn Ahlborn and a brother to Tracey and Woody Ahlborn.  He managed Ahlborn Equipment, Inc. for several years and is now operating his own company. He currently lives in Conover, WI.

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Tracey Ahlborn

TR Logo

Residency: Born in Sayner, WI

Tracey is a son of Gene and Evelyn Ahlborn and a brother to Kurt and Woody Ahlborn.  He is involved with the management and operations of Ahlborn Equipment, Inc. in Sayner, WI.

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Woody Ahlborn

TR Logo

Woody is a son of Gene and Evelyn Ahlborn and a brother to Kurt and Tracey Ahlborn.  He is involved with the management and operations of Ahlborn Equipment, Inc. in Sayner, WI.

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Dorothy Andersen

Residency: 1946

Dorothy was married to Rhobie (Toby) Andersen and the mother of James Andersen.  She helped manage their resort on Big St. Germain Lake and is currently retired. 

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James Andersen

Vet Logo

iJim was born and raised on the shores of Big St. Germain Lake on his parents resort which his father, Rhobie Andersen, purchased in 1946. Jim is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, and fisherman with a deep an intricate knowledge of the Big St. Germain fishery.

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Rhobie Andersen

Residency: 1946

Rhobie was better known as Toby and purchased a resort on Big St. Germain Lake in 1946. This resort was located on Big St. Germain Drive a short distance from the public boat landing.

Date of death: 1973
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

Andersen marker Andersen marker

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Anna Anderson

TR Logo

Residency: Born here

Anna is a daughter of Leon and Peggy Anderson.  She purchased the Peacock Tavern with her sister, Cheri Anderson, and they renamed it Sisters Saloon (The Peacock). Anna eventually left the partnership and currently owns a gift shop in Sayner, WI.

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Cherie Anderson

Residency: Born here

Cheri is a daughter of Leon and Peggy Anderson.  She currently owns Sisters Saloon (The Peacock).

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Chris Anderson

Residency: Born here

Chris is a son of Leon and Peggy Anderson and is a brother to Cheri and Anna.  He currently works in the area lumber industry.

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Donna Anderson

Residency: Early 1930's

Donna was married to Ewald Anderson and taught in the Juve School for many years.

Date deceased: 1967
Cause of death: Emphysema
Interment: Hildegard Cemetery (Conover, WI)

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Esther Anderson

Residency: 1939

Esther was born September 24, 1914.  She married
Roy Anderson in Mountain, WI in 1935 and is the mother of Leon Anderson She helped in the operations of Anderson's Cottages on Kosomo Lake and was also a very good pastry cook.  During the 1940's she was employed for her pastry abilities at Clear View Lodge on Big St. Germain and Vandervort's Lost Lake Resort.  They also ran a business in Florida during the winter. Her husband, Roy, passed away suddenly in December 1961 and she sold the Florida business.  In 1965 she sold the resort to her son, Leon.  She lived in Florida until 1988, then returned to St. Germain and lived at the Senior Housing Project until 2006.

Date deceased: 2006
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Mountain, WI

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Ewald Anderson

Residency: 1935

Ewald was born and raised in Conover and worked for the Wisconsin Department of Conservation (now known as the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources).  In December 1933 he was invited to be Santa Claus at Juve School.  Two years later, he married Donna (Wilcox) Anderson, who was teaching at the school.  He purchased forty acres of land and the house on it from a family known as Erdmann on Hwy 155.  He was very active in community affairs and served as clerk of the St. Germain School, town supervisor, and town tax assessor.  He was one of the founders of the Sayner/St. Germain Wildlife Club.  He was also a lead figure in the development of the bass ponds and spent much time and energy in their development and maintenance. 

Date deceased: August 21, 1997
Cause of death: Heart attack
Interment: Hildegard Cemetery (Conover, WI)

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Leon Anderson

Museum Logo

Residency: Born here

Leon is well known in our area as "Buckshot" Anderson. He is the son of Roy and Esther Anderson and was raised on his father's resort on Kosomo Lake. He is married to Peggy Anderson and the father of Anna, Cherie, Wendy, and Chris. Buckshot is the last of the real northwoods guides in our area and has been inducted into the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, WI. WI.

He taught in the
Red Brick School in St. Germain for several years, then went to North Lakeland school and taught there for over twenty years.  He was one of the first members of the Northland Pines School Board and a long-time and very active member of the Vilas Historical Museum in Sayner, WI. He is also the author of several books related to the northwoods.

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Peggy Anderson

Residency: 1957

Peggy met her husband, Leon Anderson, in Superior, WI which is where she lived. She married Leon and moved to St. Germain. She is the mother of Anna, Cherie, Chris, and Wendy. She managed the First National Bank of St. Germain for many years until retirement.

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Roy Anderson

Residency: October 1939

Roy was married to
Esther Anderson and the father of Leon (Buckshot) Anderson.  He homesteaded on Dollar Lake (now Kosomo Lake) and in 1943 he started to operate a resort on the lake.  The resort was called Anderson's Cottages.  Life was not particularly easy back then and electricity did not reach them until 1946.  It was not until 1950 that they had a telephone.

Roy started to winter in Florida in 1956 where he bought and operated the business each year from October to April. Then he and his wife, Esther, would return to the resort on Kosomo Lake.

Date deceased: December 1961
Cause of death: Unknown (Sudden & Unexpected)
Interment: Mountain, WI

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Walter Anderson

Residency: late 1940's

Walters was born and raised in Conover, WI and a brother to Ewald Anderson. He built and operated St. Germain Restaurant in the St. Germain mall/junction area. There is some confusion as to whether this restaurant was named Walter's Restaurant or St. Germain Restaurant. This was one of the first four commercial buildings in the mall/junction, but it was moved away to make room for the new grocery store (Camp's Super Valu).

Date deceased: Unknown
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Hildegard Cemetery (Conover, WI)

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Wendy Anderson

Residency: Born here

TR Logo

Wendy is a daughter of Leon and Peggy Anderson. Little is currently known about Wendy, except she apparently lives in Texas.

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John Armentrout

Residency: Mid-1970's

John purchased and operated Perk's Resort (
Sisson's Resort) on West Bay of Little St. Germain Lake. He changed the name to West Bay Resort, operated it as rental for several years, then sold the cottages. He also operated the Lake Aire Supper Club (Lake Aire Tavern)for a time when Glenn Giese owned it. He was then involved in area real estate and home construction.  He is currently living in Florida.

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John Arnold

Residency: 1975

John is a son of Robert Arnold and operates Arnold's Septic Pumping.

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Robert Arnold

Residency: 1975

Bob is John Arnold's father. He purchased and operated Northern Waters Resort on Plum Lake in 1975.  In the mid-1980's, he sold/condoed the resort and purchased Murmuring Waters on Lost Lake.  He ran this tavern for several years, then sold it and the name was changed to "Patti's Murmuring Waters."

Date deceased: Unknown
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Unknown

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