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      A compilation of the significant people in St. Germain's history
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Wagner, Mark Wagner, Susan Waldmann, Bradley Waldmann, Judy Weber, Bruce
Weber, David Weber, Eva Weber, George Weber, Gifford Weber, Ida
Weber, Judy Weber, Lawrence Weber, Leonard Weber, Mary Weber, Michael
Weber, Ray Weber, Roger Weber, William Weiss, Thomas Welch, Allen
Welch, Lucille Werkmeister, Patricia Weslaski, Bonnie Weslaski, Lee Williams, Samuel
Worthen, Cindy Worthen, David Worthen, Keith Worthen, Wayne  

Mark Wagner

Residency: Born here

TR Taught Logo

Mark is a son of Susan (DeSmit) Wagner. He was in real estate for several years and is now in the process of taking over ownership and management of Pub and Prime (Max's Tavern).

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Susan Wagner

Residency: Unknown

Susan is a daughter of Charles DeSmit who built Pub and Prime on the burned out Lake Aire Supper Club (Max's Tavern) site.  She currently owns and manages Pub and Prime, but is turning this over to her son, Mark Wagner.

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Bradley Waldmann

Residency: 1985

Bradley purchased the Dutch Door (The Boxer) from Richard (Mort) Morten. The tavern burned down and Bradley rebuilt it as it exists today. He started Waldmann Construction with only one employee, James "Jim Bob" Rothing and built it into what it is today. He later sold the Dutch Door to Ace Roxbury, but continued operating his construction company.

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Judy Waldmann

Residency: 1985

Judy is married to Bradley Waldmann. She managed and operated The Dutch Door (The Boxer) as Bradley moved more and more into construction.  She is currently employed at St. Peters School in Eagle River.

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Bruce Weber

Residency: Born here


 Bruce is a son of Gifford Weber.  He manages Camp's Super Valu (Camp's Red Owl), owns Weber's Wooden Nickel, and a gas station in town. He also serves on the board of the First National Bank of Eagle River and is involved in various community organizations and projects.

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David Weber

Residency: Born here

TR Taught

David is a son of Bruce and Mary Weber. He attended UW-Green Bay with a degree in social work. He is currently employed in management at Camp's Super Valu.

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Eva Weber

Residency: Born here

Eva is a daughter of Al Griffen.  She was married to George Weber and the mother of Ray Weber.

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George Weber

Residency: Born here

George was a son of Lawrence Weber.  He worked for the Vilas County Highway Department for 39 years.  He was married to Eva Weber and is Ray Weber's father.

 George & Eva Weber Marker

Date deceased: 1992
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Gifford Weber

Residency: Born here

Gifford was a son of Lawrence Weber and the father of Bruce, Russell, John, and Judy Weber.  He was a welder for many years.  He started and operated a Texaco gas station on Hwy 70 (Gifford's Texaco).  Although the gas station is no longer operating, the building is still there.  It has been converted into a house.

Gifford Weber marker

Date deceased: 1984

Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Ida Weber

Residency: Early 1900's

Ida was married to Lawrence Weber and is the mother of Leonard, Gifford, George, and William Weber.

Date of death: Unknown
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Unknown

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Judy Weber

Residency: 1933

Town Board Logo

 Judith was born in Coon Valley, WI in 1914.  She married Gifford Weber in 1933 and moved to St. Germain.  She is the mother Bruce, Russell, John, and Judy Weber. She was our the town treasurer for many years.  She also served as a town board member.

Gifford & Judy Weber marker

Date deceased: 2003
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Lawrence Weber

Residency: Unknown
Lawrence built his cabin at the end of what is now Weber Road.  He is the father of Leonard, Gifford, William and George Weber.  His log cabin was purchased by a large museum, which moved it and incorporated it in a display.

Date deceased: Unknown
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Unknown

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Leonard Weber

Residency: Born here

Leonard was a son of Lawrence Weber.  He owned and operated Weber's Wildlife and tavern on Hwy 155 for decades. 

Leonard Weber marker

Date deceased: 1973
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Mary Weber

Residency: Born here

Mary is a daughter of Al and Ruth Camp.  She is married to Bruce Weber and is involved in the operations of Camp's Super Valu (Camp's Red Owl)

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Michael Weber

Residency: Born here

Vet Logo TR Taught

Michael is a son of Bruce and Mary Weber. He has been active in the U.S. Marines for many years, serving deployments in both Iraq and Afganistan.

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Ray Weber

Residency: Born here

Ray is a son of George and Eva Weber.  Ray operated a tavern (Qualy's) which he purchased from Johnny Lester.  He performed magic tricks, including putting on a show on Saturday mornings for children and drew a wide following. He was also an excellent pool player and was invited to various national pool tournaments. In an unknown year, he was severely injured by an electrical shock from a live wire brought down in a storm along Hwy J not far from Thunderbird Pass.  His hand was badly damaged to where he could no longer perform magic well and it also affected his pool playing.  He eventually sold the tavern to Bernie Kazda and went into real estate. 

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Roger Weber

Residency: Born here

Vet Logo

Roger is a son of Leonard Weber and worked for Sears Roebuck for many years.  He also ran his own satellite dish company.  He owns and operates Weber's Wildlife which had been built and operated by his father for decades. He purchased the Lollicoogan (Rosie's) from John Moriarity and changed the name to Chances R.  He operated that for several years, then sold it.  Roger is very involved with the Plum Lake Ambulance service.

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William Weber

Residency: Born here

Vet Logo

William was a son of Lawrence Weber.  He was the only St. Germain resident who lost his life in WWII.  He was killed during the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 when he stepped on a mine.  The airport planned for St. Germain was to be named Weber Field in his honor.  The Weber Memorial for him has been incorporated in the St. Germain Veterans Memorial.

Sometime between June 23-27, 2008 Larry Stecker went to the Vilas County Courthouse in Eagle River to get a building permit.  The person waiting on him asked if he was related to William Weber who was killed in WW II.  Larry replied that his wife's father was a brother of William.  The clerk replied that they had William's dogtags.  They showed up 64 years later!

Date deceased: June 6, 1944
Cause of death: Killed in action
Interment: Normandy, France

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Thomas Weiss

Residency: 1977

More commonly known as "Trapper," Tom is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, fisherman, and trapper. He operates his own roofing and construction business.

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Allen Welch

 Residency: Unknown

Allen has a Memorial page

Allen started a small sport shop and live bait shop next to
Thunderbird Pass (Polzin's), but this was before Polzin's was built.  Years later, he built and operated Welch's Sport Shop in the current mall and junction area.  Through the years, this building has been remodeled and expanded and is now known as St. Germain Sport Marine. 

Welch marker
Date deceased: 1985
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Lucille Welch

Residency: Unknown

Lucille was married to Allen Welch and helped in the operations of Welch's Sport Shop

Welch marker

Date deceased: 1997
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemeter

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Patricia Werkmeister

Residency: Early 1970's

Patricia "Patty" was well-known in this area and worked as a cook in various area supper clubs and Restaurants.

Werkmeister Marker

Date deceased: October 10 1997
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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Bonnie Weslaski

Residency: 1975

Bonnie was married to
Lee Weslaski and helped operate and manage the Muskie Inn.  After Lee passed away, Bonnie retained ownership of the building that housed the supper club, but the rest of the resort has been condoed and is known as Deer Run.

Date of death: 2009
Cause of death: Cancer
Interment: Unknown

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Lee Weslaski

Residency: 1975

 Lee and his wife, Bonnie, purchased the Muskie Inn in 1975.  They turned it into a very popular supper club, which they managed for several years.  They sold it, but the business did not hold up well after they left.  Lee passed away during this time and Bonnie got the place back. She retained ownership of the building housing the supper club, but condoed the cottages.

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Samuel Williams

 Residency: Mid 1970's

Sam lived on Lost Lake for many years after his retirement and was well-known in the area.  He was very interested in science and years before purchased a ticket (round trip we assume) for the first passenger moon flight which at that time sold for $25,000. Unfortunately, he did not live long enough to make the trip.

Date deceased: Unknown
Cause of death: Unknown
Interment: Unknown

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Cindy Worthen

Residency: 1974

Cindy is married to David Worthen and has been employed at AEI in Sayner, WI for many years. She is a sister to   Jennifer Minaudo and Tammy Bernsteen.

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David Worthen

Residency: Mid-1970's

Vet Logo

 David is a son of Wayne Worthen and a brother to Keith Worthen.  He purchased and operated what is now known as Legends of the North (Mr. C's) in the mall.  David eventually sold the bar to his brother, Keith.  He is currently employed with Lindgren R.F. Enterprises.

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Keith Worthen

Residency: Mid 1970's

Keith is a son of Wayne Worthen and a brother to David.  He took over management of Worthen's Sayner Pub in Sayner after the death of his father. After several years, he purchased what is now called Legends of the North (Mr. C's) from his brother, David, and eventually sold the Pub in Sayner.  In the winter of 2002, he sold the Saint Germain bar.

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Wayne Worthen

Residency: Mid-1970's

Town Board Logo

Wayne purchased the Sayner Pub from Bernie Kazda.  He completely remodeled the interior and expanded the dining area.  He served on the St. Germain Town Board for many years.

Worthen Marker

Date deceased: 1992
Cause of death: Heart attack
Interment: St. Germain Cemetery

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